Thursday, April 10, 2008

Walking with two year olds

Yesterday, we finally had nice weather and we decided to take the boys for a walk after work. We had so much fun looking at the world from their eyes. Everything that Ryan liked, he would say "Oh look a ..." Even the weeds in the cracks were exciting. But I do think we've watched too much Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, all the birds were baby redbird and they were waiting for Goofy to come down the street to help baby redbird find it's mommy.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

New at this

I am anti -new things on the computer. My husband set up a Facebook page for me, but I never ever get on it (don't have the time or see the point). BUT... I decided that this would be a great way to chronical the craziness that has become my life since my triplet boys turned two.

For example, bubbles and sidewalk chalk can provide hours of entertainment as long as you are willing to draw countless circles and zeros over and over. And in case you are wondering, a circle and a zero are two different things in a two year olds mind.

Come back often and see the latest updates and pictures.